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The Nottingham Rental Standard can help get your complaint to the right organisation to deal with it.  Below you will find some simple steps to follow.

1. Please check if your landlord is a member of the Nottingham Rental Standard here Who Is A Member 

2. If your complaint is with a DASH member, visit their website for more information on how to resolve the issue DASH

3. If your complaint is with a Unipol Code or ANUK/Unipol National Code landlord, please visit those websites for information on how to complain.

Information about complaining

Each scheme which is part of the Nottingham Rental Standard has a complaints process to help resolve your issues where the scheme rules have been breached. 

When you complain, you will need to provide a brief outline of the problems you are experiencing. You will also be asked if you have been in contact with your landlord to raise the issue you are experiencing, and provide any correspondence had with them, so please have this to hand. 

If you would like to discuss your issues before raising a complaint,  please get in touch with the above schemes and they would be happy to help.




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